Please see below for which company to contact for image rights for the various titles. Please keep in mind that some publishers have a slow turnaround time for this type of request. Additionally, when we need to contact individual creators for permissions, that process is rarely instantaneous. You should allow at least two weeks for the request to be processed, regardless of which company you are contacting.
David Palladini: For artwork from the Aquarian Tarot or the New Palladini Tarot, contact U.S. Games Systems:
For any other piece of David’s work, please contact us via this page:
Rachel Pollack: Please contact us via this page:
James Wells: Please contact us via this page:
James Wanless: For rights for the “21st Century Tarot” video, please contact us via this page:
For the Voyager Tarot and Sustain Yourself Cards, you can contact Quarto:
For all other titles we carry, please contact the publisher of that title.