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Tarot Journeys with Anastasia- November 9, 2013 1:00 pm -4:30 pm

Tarot Journeys with Anastasia- November 9, 2013 1:00 pm -4:30 pm

Tarot Spreads and Layouts: What is the purpose of a spread? Why do we use them? A useful spread gives shape, flow, and direction to the reading. While some people are happy to randomly scatter cards on the table and see what happens, it is easier for the client to follow some kind of structured layout. We’ll look at different types of layouts, read with several of them, talk about different ways to create spreads, and make one of our own!
Bring your cards, notebook and pen, and your curiosity!

The workshop features discussions, practical exercises, and direct, personal exploration of the cards.

Additionally, Tarot Media Company donates a prize each month – a deck, a book, or some other wonderful item from our shop!

Each class runs from 1:00 — 4:30 pm, held at the Mission Alchemy Event Space, 2601 Mission Street, San Francisco. To ensure we have enough materials (and refreshments!), we request that you preregister on the Tarot Media Company website.

Due to space considerations, we request that you preregister for the class

See you in November!
