Rune Workshop for August: Perthro and Gar

Join teacher and writer Anastasia Haysler for a monthly rune workshop from the comfort of your home! Each month, we’ll look at a pair of runes in detail—their names, descriptions in the various Rune Poems, associations and interpretations both historical and modern, and ways of working with their energies to make your readings rich, deep, and meaningful.

Perthro is the rune of the dice cup, of taking a chance, not knowing what the outcome may be, while having specific hopes and desired results in mind. Gar is the rune of the unknown and unknowable. We’ll explore how their energies mesh (or not), and how they influence a reading, individually or as a pair.
This online workshop is held at 7:00 PM Pacific Time, and runs for 90 minutes. We use a Google Hangout for real-time video and audio during the workshop. The link for the workshop will be sent the Monday prior to the event.
Each workshop is a stand-alone event, so you don’t have to attend all of them. It’s more fun if you do, of course, but it’s not required!
You can register on our web store at
See you online August 1!

Rune Workshop for May 2017: Raido and Ehwaz

Join teacher and writer Anastasia Haysler for a monthly rune workshop from the comfort of your home! Each month, we’ll look at a pair of runes in detail—their names, descriptions in the various Rune Poems, associations and interpretations both historical and modern, and ways of working with their energies to make your readings rich, deep, and meaningful.

Raido and Ehwaz are both runes of journey and movement, but with different connotations and applications in readings. We’ll explore the unique qualities of each, and how they work when they appear together in a reading.
This online workshop is held at 7:00 PM Pacific Time, and runs for 90 minutes. We use a Google Hangout for real-time video and audio during the workshop. The link for the workshop will be sent the Monday prior to the event.

Each workshop is a stand-alone event, so you don’t have to attend all of them. It’s more fun if you do, of course, but it’s not required!

You can register on our web shop at

See you online in May!