Today’s Out-of-Print Spotlight: The Tarot of the Master Special Edition

Today we present The Tarot of the Master Special Edition – #19 of a limited edition of 250, by Giovanni Vacchetta.

Originally published at the end of the nineteenth century in black and white, Michela Guadenzi has skillfully colored Giovanni Vacchetta’s inspiring Major Arcana and elegant pip cards. A teacher of art at the Polytechnic of Turin and a patron of the arts, Vacchetta incorporated some Masonic symbolism into this masterful deck. The cards were designed as if he were carving them from marble. The images have a sense of material solidity, yet are characterized by graceful lines. An important historic reproduction modified for modern audiences by the addition of delicate color, this deck will be of interest to collectors and readers alike. Vacchetta was not only a skilled artist but also a scholar and learned iconographist.

This is set #19 of a limited edition of 250, with the title card autographed by the author.


Today’s Out-of-Print Spotlight: The Ancient Tarots of Bologna


The Ancient Tarots of Bologna is an exquisite reproduction of one of the earliest Italian decks. The worn, aged look of the cards, coupled with the soft, rich hues of green, blue, brown, and gold work together in a presentation that is ancient and mysterious-like a soft whisper from the past beckoning the reader to listen quietly to the wisdom of the cards. We have a copy, just for you!

Ancient Tarots of Bologna

Ancient Tarots of Bologna

Out-of-Print Deck Spotlight: The Tarot of Jamie Hankin

The Tarot of Jamie Hankin is next on our list of out-of-print decks we have available!

Jamie Hankin is a New York based photographer, who in 1999 created a twenty-two card Tarot as a showcase and promotional piece for his photography skills. In his deck, the Tarot archetypes are illustrated through costume and prop, pose and lighting, and feature black and white photographs of women posed in a photographic studio.

Tarot of Jamie Hanking, Out of Print

Tarot of Jamie Hanking, Out of Print


Out-of-Print Deck Spotlight: The Medici Tarot, by Londa Marks

Our Second Chance category has oracles and books of all kinds! We’re especially pleased to offer some rare and out-of-print items, which we’re highlighting this weekend. There’s only one of each, so if you want it, pounce on it!

Next up: The Medici Tarot (Standard Edition) by Londa Marks.

This is a majors-only deck honoring the Medici family of Italy. Focusing on the 15th century period when Lorenzo de Medici and his family ruled Florence, the cards include portraits of key family members and some of their favorite works by artists of that period.

Update 11/27/16: This deck has been purchased!

The Medici Tarot—Standard Edition, By Londa Markes

The Medici Tarot—Standard Edition, By Londa Markes

Out-of-Print Deck Spotlight: Gli Arcani Occultati di Leonardo, by Ernesto Solari

Our Second Chance category has oracles and books of all kinds! We’re especially pleased to offer some rare and out-of-print items, which we’re highlighting this weekend. There’s only one of each, so if you want it, pounce on it!

First up: Gli ArcanI Occultait di Leonardo, by Ernesto Solari.

This is a 22-card majors-only deck. The images are adaptations and reproductions by Ernesto Solari based on original works by Leonardo da Vinci. Some cards are colored pencil drawings. Others are watercolor, photographs, and collage of photographic reproductions and adaptations of original works. Unique, fascinating, and out of print—but we have one you can buy!

Gli Arcani Occultati di Leonardo, by Ernesto Solari

Gli Arcani Occultati di Leonardo, by Ernesto Solari


Now Available: The iTongo Tarot by Robyn-Anne Pollard

We’re delighted to announce that The iTongo Tarot by Robyn-Anne Pollard is now available on the Tarot Media Company shop! Robyn-Anne re-visions the traditional European Tarot with South African myths, legends, and imagery. This dramatic and unique re-interpretation of the Tarot will spark your creativity and provide new insight into the familiar images of Tarot. We think you’ll enjoy working with this deck and appreciate the fresh take on Tarot. Another Tarot Media Company exclusive!