Debuting February 19, 2012, at PantheaCon in San Jose, the new novel from Kooch Daniels! The book is also available for order from our web store!
“What kind of stone is that?” asked Mark. “Is that an amethyst? the color is amazing.” He reached toward Carmella’s things and picked up her treasure.
For unknown reasons, a current of fear shot through her body. At the same moment, the electricity completely went out and the room became dark. “Give me my stone,” she repeated in a panic.
Dancing shadows filled the night air.
With Theater of Karma, Kooch Daniels takes the Tarot out of the realm of the academic and into the unpredictable world of potential reality. Each chapter depicts events that a card reader might conceivably hear when giving readings to the public. Each major arcana card’s keywords and thematic are the underlying foundation for each chapter.
Each character – many of them portraits from the author’s own experiences – could easily turn up in your next reading. But just as each of the Major Arcana comes together to illuminate a spiritual journey, so too does each chapter of Theater of Karma combine to tell a tale of romance, tragedy, suspense and ultimately hope.
About Kooch Daniels:
After graduating from college in Ohio with a teaching credential and then saying “no” to teaching high school English, Kooch followed westward winds to San Francisco. There she pursued her love affair with metaphysics and became a student of the tarot. Early in her career as a reader she did beer foam readings for fun at her favorite night time hot spots, and in the daytime she sat in front of Ghirardelli Square to offer her tarot insights for one dollar a reading.
Kooch claims that her life is stranger than fiction. She returned to school and completed a Master’s degree in psychology, but then found her inner voice pulling her into being a professional reader. This included doing readings for twenty-five years at the northern and southern California Renaissance Faires. Hoping to change the perception of the tarot from being a tool for fortune telling into being a guide for life-choices and inner transformation, in recent decades she has done readings in the corporate world for many high profile Fortune 500 companies, uptown private parties, and modest down home suburban gatherings.
Besides spending time with her family, Kooch enjoys hiking in the redwood forest and playing on the beach. But when Kooch is near her desk at home, she loves to write. Besides writing Theater of Karma, she has written The Art and Magic of Palmistry, and with her husband Victor, she has coauthored Tarot D’ Amour (Redwheel Weiser 2003.) and Matrix Meditations (Inner Traditions 2009). On the tech side, she has written The Timely Tarot (ASC 1987), a computerized tarot program that divines personal readings, published by Astro Communication Services.